We are the MEDports Association!

Created on June 27th, 2018 by 20 port authorities of the Mediterranean Basin, the MEDPorts Association celebrates its sixth anniversary and now has almost 30 members from all shores of the Mediterranean representing 70% of cargo and 90% of passenger traffic handled in the Mediterranean Sea. – Algeciras, Arzew, Barcelona, ​​Bastia, Bejaia, Beirut, Cartagena, Civitavecchia, Catalunya, Durrës, Hellenic Ports Association, Igoumenitsa, La Spezia, Luka Koper, Malaga, Malta Freeport, Marseille Fos, Moroccan Ports Agency (ANP), Nouakchott, Office of the Merchant Navy and Ports (OMMP), Rijeka, Suez Canal Economic Zone, Sète, Skikda, Tanger Med, Taranto, Toulon, Valencia and Venice.

4 Associated Members – Port Training Institute, AASTMT, IMFMM, Escola Europea and ValenciaPort Foundation.

The membership of several associative and international organizations as partners, and as associate members, makes it possible to extend fruitful and beneficial collaboration for all.

Indeed, the MEDports Association aims at creating a new platform of ​​collaboration, production and exchange between the Mediterranean ports on common issues and is also promoting the international visibility of the Mediterranean maritime and ports area, a true connected and connecting platform between Asia, Africa and Europe.

The activity of the Association is organized thanks to the involvement of its members around the three Technical Committees working on key themes of the sea and port,

  • Sustainable Business Development
  • Cooperation & Partnership
  • Promotion

Each Committee has set itself the goal of achieving flagship operational projects for 2021/2022. For example, the Promotion Committee is working on training new managers by providing them a comprehensive training made by the partner ports institutes. The Sustainable Business Development Committee has undertaken the definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for MED ports demonstrating their constantly evolving performance.

The life of the Association is therefore based on the work of the Technical Committees whose results and roadmaps are set by the Executive Committee and validated during the General Assemblies twice a year. Finally, the General Secretariat ensures the proper functioning, organization and representation of the Association while supporting the Technical Committees in their missions.

The promotion of Mediterranean ports through the investment and participation of member ports of the MEDPorts Association encourages the strengthening of the MEDPorts network, creating a collective intelligence through the exchange of best practices. The densification of the network will then capture even more of the world’s maritime transport through the Mediterranean.

In 2020 and 2021, the MEDPorts Association took over the continuation of all works despite the very difficult situation and travel hurdles. The Members need more than ever to be accompanied and helped in their difficult task of finding their way in the whirl of the COVID-19, and furthering cooperation is the best manner to achieve this. Together, we are strong.