Training Seminar 2019 – First edition in Barcelona
From November 11th to 13th 2019, the first International Seminar on Port Management as part of the MEDports Association was held in Barcelona. On the one hand, the courses aim to enhance the cooperation of the MEDports association members with networking. On the other hand, it proposes practices on the current issues faced by ports in the North and the South of the Mediterranean.
Networking in maritime sector
The Training Seminar was particularly dedicated to the most recent people from each Port of the Association. Moreover, its objective is to bring the different members together and create a solid network. 17 trainees from the Northern and Southern borders of the Mediteranean attended the Seminar.
Therefore, various coffee breaks, lunches and additional activities were excellent opportunities for the trainees to discover each other and make good connections.

Maritime expertise: Port management issues
The Seminar was co-organized by the Arab Academy, Escola Europea, Fundacion Valenciaport, l’Institut by Marseille-Fos, with the support of the Union for the Meditteranean, the Port of Barcelona, the Port of Marseille-Fos, ValenciaPort, Autorita di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, TangerMED Port Authority and L’Office de la Marine Marchande et des ports from Tunisia.
Experts from the martime sector have attended conferences on the current issues facing the Port with a better management of environmental impact and digitalisation. Two visits to the Port of Barcelona facilities were organised. The first one was a maritime visit to the Port. And the second one was a visit to the Port’s semi automated container terminal.
At the end of the seminar, each trainee received a certificate of completion.
More to come
All the participants had a great time, discovering and gaining knowledge with experts and creating an excellent network. As the first edition met the objectives of the MEDports Association, other seminars should be organised.
Participants Testimonies
I’m satisfied with the organisation of this seminar on “Port Management”. The courses were very interesting and also we achieved a good networking. Finally, I want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event.
Mouna (Trainee), Tanger
This MedPort seminar was very well organized. It was such a pleasure to meet people from other countries all around the Mediterranean Sea. What also surprised me pleasantly, is that the subject of sustainability is really getting a concern for most of the participants, no matter where they are from and what their job profile is. I feel really grateful for having been chosen to participate.
Isabelle (Trainee), Marseille-Fos
The MEDports Seminar was a very interesting experience which connected many people from different ports and cultures with our common value the Mediterranean sea. It was an opportunity to get new knowledge and most important to share time together.
Marco (Organisator), Escola Europea
The course was very interesting and gave me a different perspective of the issues and workings of ports around the Med. It was very insightful and overall well organised.
Anneliza (Trainee), Malta
The training was great, very interesting topics were touched. It was also an amazing opportunity to meet peers and colleagues from other ports in just one forum. Overall it was a great experience and I’m already looking forward to the next edition in another port!
Javier (Trainee), Barcelona
I was very happy to join the MEDports Training Seminar and meet new members from the MEDports Association. I definitely recommend the seminar to all newly arrived person!
Gabrielle (Trainee), MEDports Association
It was my real pleasure to participate in such a productive Seminar, which was indeed very informative in an engaging and interactive way, I would like to thank all the MEDPorts Association team for their highly appreciated efforts, wishing you all more success in the future.
Alaa (Expert), Arab Academy
For me the training was an excellent opportunity to gain new knowledge, especially on ports development and opportunities for ports that are yet to come. Also, the networking with colleagues from other MED ports was useful and fun.
Tina (Trainee), Luka
I was very excited to tell my collegues about the MedPorts initiative. Every course has delivered usefull thought, idea and insight that I wanted to share.
Leonardo (Trainee), Venice
I came out of these three days, happy but also boosted, we improved our perception, the challenges are here and the Medports is quite able to meet them. Congratulations to all the team for the welcome, the organization and the professionalism, you are the best, I really wish to have the opportunity to participate in the next edition. Thank u.
Moussa (Trainee), Bejaia
We were delighted to organise the First MEDports Training Seminar. It meets our main objectives. We are looking forward to organise the next ones. Long life to the seminar!
Philippe (Organisator), MEDports Association