Final clap for 2019
On December 17th and 18th 2019, the Executive Committee and General Assembly meetings were held in the premices of the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority in Venice.
Mr. Martel, President of the MEDports Association and C.E.O. of the Port of Marseille-Fos, attended the meeting such as Mr. Musolino, President of the Port of Venice and Vice-President of the MEDports Association.
The young MEDports Association has made a long way since its creation in 2018. The Northern and Southern banks of the Mediterranean Sea have worked together through a lot of committees in order to present actions and a unique overview of the current situation in MED ports.
Each sectorial committee (Relations with International Institutions; Employment, Training and Maritime Expertise; Statistics and Market Analysis; Sustainability; Smartport; Security and Safety) have presented their 2019 Report. After discussions and votes, the 2020 Roadmaps have been adopted.
During the meetings, Pr. Soliman from the Arab Academy presented the activities of the Arab Academy and 2020 opportunities to work together.
Activity Report 2019 and Roadmaps 2020
During the meetings, the members went through the activities of each technical committee in 2019. Main topics have been set for 2020:
- Relations with International Institutions: enlarge the members of the MEDports Association, participate in new events, MoU’s signatures
- SmartPort: develop the Data Mare Nostrum Project
- Sustainability: organize a methodology to measure carbon footprint and organize the ECA seminar
- Statistics and Market Analysis: issue the KPI brochure & prepare the Ro-Ro Seminar
- Security and Safety: create a digital platform to exchange information through the interanet of the website
- Employment, Training and Maritime Expertise: organize the second Training Seminar, project “Réseau des Ecoles et Formations aux Métiers de la Mer”
And much more to come …

New Associated Member
The MEDports Association happy to introduce L’Institut Méditerranéen de Formation aux Métiers Maritimes as associated member.