Training Calendar of the MEDports Association
February – March 2020
The best Mediterranean Training Courses to all Maritime and Port Employees.
The Employment, Training & Maritime Expertise Committee of the MEDports Association is delighted to present you its upcomming training calendar for the months of February and March 2020.
The calendar is a co-production of MEDports Association’s Training Institutes: L’Institut by Marseille Fos, Escola Europea, Valenciaport Foundation and the Port Training Institute, Arab Academy for Sciences.
February 2020
- 18-28th: Digital Transformation towards fourth Generation Ports “Smart Ports”, Alexandria
- 24-28th: Digital transformation towards an intelligent port logistics, Valencia
March 2020
- 8-12th: The Impact of Environmental IMO Conventions on the complexity of Sustainable Port Communities, Alexandria
- 9-12th: Port RH management, Marseille
- 30-1st: Port and Passengers, Barcelona
Digital Transformation towards fourth Generation Ports “Smart Ports”
The contents of this seminar will analyze the role of the emerging technologies in the ports’ digital transformation towards the Port 4.0, also known as the Smart Port.
- Digital technologies and digital transformation
- Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of things, and Blockchain
- Digital Transformation in ports
- Smart port technologies
- Smart port application
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Applications of block chain in Ports
- Digital Transformation in ports (case study: Valencia port)
- Smart port technologies (case study: Valencia port)
- Smart port applications (case study: Valencia port)
Training’s details
5 days (25h)
Alexandria (Egypt)
Valencia (Spain)
Eg: 18-22/02
Sp: 24-28/02
2.300 €
Digital transformation towards an intelligent port logistics
The digital transformation allows the port facilities to incorporate technological and management solutions with which to face the technological challenges, it is an opportunity that they must take advantage of to make port communities more efficient.
Nowadays, all sectors are looking for new technological solutions that are more efficient, affordable, safe and accessible, taking advantage of the growing connectivity of objects and people. (Internet of Things), the availability of geolocation systems (GPS, EGNOS and Galileo), cloud computing solutions (Cloud Computing), mass storage and processing (Big data), machine learning and artificial intelligence (Machine learning and AI) and the Internet of value with the application of distributed record technologies (DLT), better known by the name of blockchain.
All these solutions and technologies have the potential to improve productivity in port facilities, solve different mobility problems and offer a differential and increasingly personalized service to transport both goods and passengers.
The Impact of Environmental IMO Conventions on the complexity of Sustainable Port Communities
Over the past few years, port operations have steadily grown in importance for the global merchant shipping Industry. Surging foreign trade in the countries of the world will continue to depend on, among other factors, timely adaptation of ports to meet new demands. Expansion and sustainable growth will only be possible with modern, higher-capacity green super & infrastructure.
Course Contents:
- IMO Environmental awareness conventions and port operations
- Adaption & Implementation of quality port environmental policies
- Enhanced institutional solutions to sustain Port Sea land areas.
- Environmental Challenges facing modern global ports to be internationally competitive
- Port authorities’ adaption to environmental work policies.
Training’s details
5 days (25h)
Alexandria (Egypt)
750 € / 650 € / 550 €*
*5 trainees or less / 6 to 10 trainees / 11 trainees or more
Port RH management
The objective of this training will be to better understand the human ressources challenges in ports and to master modern tools in order to implement effective human ressources management.
Training’s details

4 days
Marseille (France)
1.900 €
Port and Passengers
The course on Port and Passengers aims to explain the cruise Industry, to provide training in cruise port operations, to show port operations and port facilities in detail and from a practical perspective.
Training’s details

4 days
Barcelona (Spain)
30/03 – 01/04
440 €
Contact details

Pr. Alaa Morsy
Vice Dean of the Port Training Institute
Arab Academy for Sciences, Technology & Maritime Expertise
+201 001 853 317

Ana Rumbeu Daviu
Training Director
Fundacion Valenciaport
+34 963 939 400

Elodie Bardin
Chief of the Training Department
L’Institut de Formation Port de Marseille Fos
+33 491 395 390
+33 673 699 125

Eduard Rodes
Director of Escola Europea
Escola Europea – Intermodal Transport
+34 932 986 070