We are delighted to announce the organization of the next MEDPorts General Assembly and Workshop dedicated to Resilience in Ports and Quality of Infrastructure on 6&7 February 2023 in Tunis together with OMMP (Office de la Marine Marchande et des Ports).
It’s our pleasure to officially welcome Yann Alix as a moderator to our workshop and we are pleased to have a representative from Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport who will be joining us for the Introductory Speech.
We are happy to welcome The port of Marseille Fos, Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia and Tanger Med Port Authority in the session dedicated to MEDPorts. The workshop is focused on viewing OMMP and MEDPorts members’ series of pair-work exercises, experience and efforts to improve resilience and quality of infrastructure in ports to assist Mediterranean ports in building a resilient, progressive, and vibrant maritime sector.
More details will be shared soon. We hope you join us for this exciting workshop in Tunis.
If you have any questions about the workshop, please email fajrwahbaa@yahoo.com and/or r.benarbia@ommp.nat.tn