February 07, 2023
Tunisia: The General Assembly of MEDPorts Association was organized together with OMMP, during its meeting, the association had several productive engagements appointing the new governance and future work plan. The MEDPorts Association is pleased to announce that Mr. Pino Musolino, President of Port System Authority of Central Northern Tyrrhenian Sea – Port of Civitavecchia has been named as the new President of the MEDPorts Association. Through voting, Mr. Jordi Torrent from Port of Barcelona has been elected as the new General Secretariat.
The Association under their leadership will continue to build value for the association’s members and continue to grow as they address shared challenges and develop solutions for a better, more peaceful future for the maritime industry in the Mediterranean.
Mr. Musolino will ensure that the MEDports Association enjoys continued success in its role as a Mediterranean association gathering 25 port authority representing 70% of the MED traffic, that it remains the lead networking and support organization for Mediterranean ports, and is positioned to take on new opportunities with its members.
In addition, during his first official speech the Association’s General Assembly Meeting, he emphasized “It’s a great honor and a humbling experience to be elected President of MEDPorts, receiving such extended support from my peers from all over the Mediterranean sea. We are committed to strengthening the cooperation among the members and to expand the number of members in the next future! Having an Association such as Medports represents a significant opportunity to grow and share best practices and to establish a stronger cooperation among Mediterranean ports”
Concerted efforts and coordinated action are crucially important, especially when tackling the future of the Mediterranean maritime industry, together these port actors in these 12 countries work on 6 main goals through the MEDports Association:
- Achieving a balanced association between northern and southern ports in the Mediterranean
- Examining issues related to port activites and the maritime sector
- Inform its members and seek common positions
- Promoting MED interests on an international scene
- Facilitating the creation for maritime trade links in the MED area
- Improving the global visibility of the MEDports
On sidelines of the MEDPorts General assembly meeting, its always important to recognize that Port resilience should not be viewed as a one-off solution but rather as a strategy and an ongoing process that can be gradually implemented and revised. It must be tailored to the specific situational, governance, managerial, commercial, and infrastructure challenges that each port faces.
In recognition of the importance of resilience, for the MEDports association, time has come to create the conditions of in-depth exchanges between experts and users concerning the future of the MED ports in regard of Resilience, Infrastructure and Training. The MEDports Association jointly organized with OMMP the launch of a workshop entitled ‘Resilience in Ports & Quality of Infastructure’ as a sideline to the MEDPorts 2-days program in Tunis on 07 of February 2023 with more than 120 attendees.
It has been announced and approved in the general assembly that the next MEDPorts Forum will be held in Barcelona on the 7th June 2023.
Stay tuned on the MEDports website https://medports.org/ and social media https://www.linkedin.com/in/medports-association/ for the on-going and upcoming events.