Promoting the Women’s Committee within the MEDPorts Association is a
key initiative for several reasons that transcend both the personal and
strategic development of women and Mediterranean ports.
The Women’s Committee is more than just a tool to support women; it is a strategic opportunity for Mediterranean ports to become more innovative, sustainable, and competitive. This committee will not only elevate female talent but will also strengthen connections between ports and contribute to a more inclusive vision of the future of the port sector. With these ideas, the Women’s Committee will have an immediate impact on its participants and can transform the culture of the Mediterranean port sector in the long term.
Ana RUMBEU (Valencia)
1. Diversity as a driver of innovation and development
2. Highlighting female talent in a strategic sector
3. Reducing the gender gap in a key industry
4. Fostering international cooperation among women
5. Preparing the next generation of leaders
Activity 1: Gender Gap Report and Benchmarking
Activity 2: Women’s Cross-Port Cooperation Forum
Activity 3: Mediterranean Women’s Network
Activity 4: Women’s Leadership Training Program
Activity 5: STEM Talent Girl Program for Scientific and Technological Careers